2019 Popsugar Reading Challenge

1. A book becoming a movie in 2019
I'd never heard of this book before I searched for books becoming movies in 2019, but it sounds like something I'd like. I have a huge soft spot for quirky, socially awkward main characters (and side characters for that matter).
2. A book that makes you nostalgic

I'm overdue for a reread of both of these series, and both make me nostalgic. Dealing with Dragons was one of the first fantasy series I fell in love with, and I feel like I grew up with Harry Potter.

3. A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction)
This series was already on my TBR, so when someone informed me that Seanan McGuire was a folk musician, I was pretty excited. The third book in the series is called Beneath the Sugar Sky, so I'll be able to use that one for the challenge as well! The other book I've been considering for this challenge is Elixir, by Hilary Duff, but I think this is more up my alley, and the fact that I can use another book in this series for a separate prompt doesn't hurt.

4. A book you think should be turned into a movie
This is a super weird prompt to me. How am I supposed to know that I think it should be turned into a movie if I haven't read it? That said, I'm probably going to go with Iron Gold for this one. I think the original three books in the Red Rising series would adapt well, and I'm going to assume this will as well.
5. A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads
Both of these are books I intended to read a long time ago, but somehow never got around to. One of my best friends bought my son a pretty, illustrated edition of the Hobbit for his birthday, so I'll probably read that to him (or with him) if he's interested in it right now. If not, I'll probably go with The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
6. A book with a plant in the title or on the cover

I'm currently reading the Girl of Fire and Thorns Series, and will be starting Bitter Kingdom this week, so that's my "if I don't have time for anything else" option. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns sounds like something I'd like, and I think it came in a sub box recently.
7. A reread of a favorite book

Whichever series I do for nostalgia will be for this as well. Technically I won't even feel like I'm using the same book for multiple prompts since there's 4-7 books in the series (depending on which one I choose). I may also reread the Kingkiller Chronicle again this year (surprise, surprise)
8. A book about a hobby

Reading and photography are my only real hobbies so I'll likely be going with one of these. Dear Fahrenheit 451 sounds like the sort of book that I'll either love or hate (depending on the writing style) and Eight Girls sounded most intriguing of the photography books I found. That said, if you have suggestions for fiction about reading or photography, I'm definitely open to suggestions.
9. A book you meant to read in 2018

This could apply to a whole bunch of books, but since both of these also work for other criteria, I'll go with one of them. I planned to read soon before Dark Age, but when it was announced that Dark Age was pushed back I opted to wait. The Outsiders was my pick for Buzzfeed's banned books challenge, but I ended up rereading 1984 instead.

10. A book with POP, SUGAR, or CHALLENGE in the title
I prefer series to standalones, so having the third book in the Wayward Children series work for a prompt is pretty awesome.
11. A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover

I know I'll be reading the Wicked King, but I may pick up Out of the Easy as well. I'm not sure that a crown really counts as an accessory, and Out of the Easy sounds intriguing.

12. A book inspired by myth/legend/folklore
I've really been enjoying the Three Dark Crowns series, so I figure this is a great opportunity to give some of her other work a try!

13. A book published posthumously
This is another one that I hadn't heard of until I started searching for what to read for the PopSugar Challenge, but it sounds like a fun, fast read, so I'll give it a try!

14. A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie
Watching Gilmore Girls is horrible for my TBR (or great for it, depending on your perspective) but The Outsiders has been on my list of books to read for far too long because of it. I'm pretty excited to finally understand Jess's the Outsiders references.

15. A retelling of a classic
I still haven't read Pride and Prejudice (a travesty, I know) but I'm excited for this retelling. I'm a big fan of retellings if they're done well, and this sounds like it is!
16. A book with a question in the title
I loved Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling, so this one was easy to choose. Now I just need to decide whether to read it or to listen to the audiobook.

Both of these books are already on my TBR list (Discovery of Witches due to many recommendations in fantasy groups, and Educated because it was on Obama's list of favorite books in 2018.

18. A book about someone with a superpower
This is another book that's been on my list for far too long and I haven't quite gotten to yet. I'm half tempted to just reread Steelheart for this one, (if you're doing this challenge, I strongly recommend the Reckoners series for this one) but I'm trying to avoid doing too many rereads this year, and there are already a few other series on my list that I'd like to reread.
19. A book told from multiple POVs
Wheel of Time is one of my main goals for the year. So many Kingkiller Chronicle and Stormlight Archive fans have recommended it, and I've finally managed to collect all of the books from various book sales and used book stores.
20. A book set in space
I'm not a big sci-fi person, particularly when it comes to wars with alien races, but I've loved everything I've read by Brandon Sanderson so I'm excited to give this a shot!

21. A book by two female authors
I love Holly Black and have enjoyed some of Cassandra Clare's work so I'm hoping I'll like this. Given that I plan to read the Wheel of Time this year I need some short and easy books on this list or I'll never make it through.

22. A book with SALTY, SWEET, BITTER, or SPICY in the title
I'm reading it anyway.
23. A book set in Scandinavia

I loved Pippi as a kid and haven't reread it in years, but I've also been wanting to read a Man Called Ove. Hmmmm.

24. A book that takes place in a single day
I tend to like long stories whose plots unfold slowly, so there's nothing on my tbr list that would work for this prompt. Of the suggestions I've seen, this one sounded like it would appeal to me the most, but if you have suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

25. A debut novel
I feel like I chose this book for a different prompt, but I can't figure out which prompt that was, so I'm going with this instead.

26. A book that's published in 2019
I'm so excited for this! I'm a little disappointed that I ran out of time to reread the Modern Faerie Tale series before I this came out, but I also really don't want to wait to read it.

27. A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature
I'm not 100% sure that there are actual cave bears in this story, but it's in the title, so maybe it counts? If not, both of my reread options feature dragons (and other magical creatures).
Obama is pretty awesome. I thought about going with Becoming for this prompt, since I plan to listen to it this year anyway, but I feel like that recommendation may have been a little biased.

29. A book with LOVE in the title
This came in Bookish Box recently and I've been looking forward to reading it. I may also reread Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story (which I highly recommend if you haven't read it. It's hilarious.)

30. A book featuring an amateur detective
A bookshop owner solving a murder mystery? Yes, please.

31. A book about a family
I love this book so much and haven't read it in years. There are probably other books I'm reading this year that would work for this prompt, but none that I love as much as East of Eden (unless the family we're talking about happens to be One Family, in which case it may be a tie.)
32. A book author from Asia, Africa, or South America
Yep. I'm using this one again.

33. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in title
I haven't read anything by her, but I've heard a lot about her. I also had a hard time finding books for this prompt that sounded interesting to me.

34. A book that includes a wedding
I'd imagine that Pride will include a wedding as well, but I'm certain that Deathly Hallows will.

35. A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter
I may throw Eleanor and Park in there as well. I loved Fangirl, so I've been wanting to give it a try for a while.

36. A ghost story
I tend not to like ghost stories, but it's Oscar Wilde, so I'm hoping this will be an exception.

37. A book with a two-word title
I'm glad they throw some easy ones in there.

38. A novel based on a true story
I'm struggling with this prompt, but leaning toward this series. It's not the sort of thing I'd usually read but it comes highly recommended

39. A book revolving around a puzzle or game
I feel like the Triwizard Tournament counts.
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading challenge
Are you doing the PopSugar Challenge this year? Share some of your favorite picks in the comments!